Saturday, June 30, 2007

Still Looking for Answers

The police are continue to look for evidence. Here they have drained the Duck Pond. They may be looking for the hard drive from Cho's computer. Cho was seen at the duck pond before the shootings

Preparing a new Memorial

The VT campus is adding a new memorial in front of Burris Hall. Remember that Norris Hall where the shootings took place is the next building to the right of Burris.

The Hokie Stones will be incorporated into the Memorial

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Forgiving Cho

I thought how hard it would be for anyone to forgive Cho for what he did. So I was glad to see he was given a stone in with the others. This is good.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thirty Three Hokie Stones

Friday eve-Saturday Morn Memorial

This is Friday the 20th evening. The student made memorial by the VT ChapelFriday Evening
The School memorial in front of Burris hall. Each stone represents a slain victim. The stones are significant. Because they are what the buildings on campus have traditionally been build from. They are quarried near here. We call them Hokie Stones.
Fri eve
The tents covering the message boards.

Saturday Morning the 21st
Candles at the student memorial

The school memorial Sat .

Note the Hokie Stones midway in this picture. Covered with notes and flowers and pictures.

The Chief of Police came by (Officer w/o hat)

I shook his hand and told him he did a good job and thanked him.

The students are tired of the media